Use-case - Personalized Video Invitation to Trade Fair Attendees via Email

Let's say you are going to a trade fair or conference and want to invite your database using email in an original way that maximizes the open rate and engagement. Or you want to get a database of conference participants or potential guests that you could then invite to your stand and offer a face-to-face meeting.   

These days, our inboxes are constantly filling up with invites that we ignore or junk. So it requires something that is unique to really grab the reader's attention, while still being relevant. You only have one shot to make someone notice your message, so you need to make it count. One way to do this is by sending a personalized video to your contacts as an invitation to meet you or visit your booth. Video is a proven medium for delivering a message and by personalizing it, it's far more likely to be noticed. Personalized videos have high view through rates, so the entire message is more likely to be seen.   

Getting database contacts can be easier today, but we always recommend doing it in a GDPR-friendly way.   

LinkedIn is a great place to find contacts as it is used by 700 million users and there is an abundance of industry professionals there (especially B2B), who are also looking to network and grow their on-line and off-line presence.  There is also a new generation of apps aimed at helping you to network and build contacts within platforms like LinkedIn.

Trade fairs are usually progressive and want to encourage networking between participants and exhibitors, so they've embraced the available technology to enable this. They often use various apps specifically for this purpose such as Happenee, Appendee, Hopin, Attendify or Whova.  

As a rule, if you connect with someone in these apps, you usually have access to their data, which you can then simply download in Excel. 

If you are a speaker at an event, you can also try to reach out to the organizer to see if they can share a database of registered exhibitors or visitors.  

Subsequently, before the event, you can quite easily create a database of interesting contacts to whom you can send a personalized video with an invitation to the meeting.   

How it’s done

Now let's talk about how to create a Motionlab personalized video email campaign and what is needed.    


  1. Have your video message ready and recorded. 

  2. Specify the size of the database that you want to invite.  

  3. Have an operational version of Motionlab Platform with sufficient credit.  

  4. Decide on a delivery system for sending out emails with the personalized videos.  

Main Steps for Enabling this Use-case 

1. Step: Prepare the database before creating the video: 

  1. Specify the personalized elements to make sure they exist and are complete for all the contacts to whom you want to send a personalized video.  

  2. Export your prepared database (either your own or a new database from a 3rd party platform) incl. all the information needed for the video.   

  3. Check Export to see that no data is broken, and everything is fine.  

Example: Database with all parameters needed for a personalized video 

2. Step: Prepare video for personalization - create a video in Motionlab Platform - Detailed video tutorial here

Example: Main steps for your personalized campaign

3. Step: Sending your personalized video - Send a personalized video using the system ActiveCampaign - Detailed instructions here

Example: Main steps for your personalized campaign


Up Close and Personal #4


Using ActiveCampaign